
YNAMB (You Need a Minty Budget) enables YNAB users to easily import Mint data.

Primary LanguagePython


YNAB (You Need a Budget) is a popular tool for managing income, expenses, and budgets. Mint is a popular tool for collecting transaction information from bank and credit card websites. YNAMB (You Need a Minty Budget) enables YNAB users to easily import Mint data!


usage: ynambImportProcessor.py [-h] [-if IMPORTFILE] [-ld LASTDATE]

Converts Mint CSV transactions into YNAB CSV import files, one for each

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Optional: Define the full path to the Mint CSV import
                        file. Default is the most recent transactions*.csv
                        file in current directory.
  -ld LASTDATE, --lastDate LASTDATE
                        Optional: Define a date (in mm/dd/YYYY format) before
                        which all transactions are ignored. Default is

Usage Instructions

  1. Install the appropriate version of Python (2.7.9+)
  2. Download the Python script and place it in a directory.
  3. Download your Mint transactions as a single CSV file and save it in the same directory as the Python script
  4. Run the script using the syntax above.
  5. Take the output files that result (one per Mint account) and import them into the appropriate YNAB account.

Account Mapping Feature

Since Mint and YNAB account names could be vastly different, the script supports an account mapping feature. To enable, create a CSV file containing the following lines (where CHECKING is the Mint account name and "Personal Checking" is the YNAB account name):

CHECKING,Personal Checking

If the file does not exist or doesn't contain a Mint account name for a given account, the files are written with the Mint account name as the prefix.