Simple web application built with Node, MySQL, NoGap and Angular and Bootstrap.


  1. Install MySQL or XAMPP

  2. Install a MySQL database manager, such as MySQL Workbench or SQLyog

  3. Install Node

    1. Add Node to your global PATH
  4. Install a Git client, such as MSysgit [Windows] or others

    1. Add git (and, on Windows, include UNIX TOOLS) to your global PATH
  5. Open a command line, aka shell, aka terminal [e.g. cmd on Windows]

  6. Go to your code folder, using cd

  7. Run: git clone [to download this code]

  8. Run: cd node-sample-app

  9. Run: npm install [to download and install all necessary libraries and other dependencies of this code]

  10. Configure your application: Create a new file appConfig.user.js and add:

    "use strict";
    module.exports = {
        // my custom configuration here
    1. Add your DB configuration. For example:

      "use strict";
      module.exports = {
          // my custom configuration here
          'db' : {
              'host'     : 'localhost',
              'user'     : 'root',
              'password' : '',            // no password
              'database' : 'my_db'
    2. Make sure that the database exists (i.e. my_db in this example): You can create a new DB with MySQL Workbench or with SQLyog.

    3. You can make more customizations by copying and overriding any values from appConfig.js.

  11. Run: node app.js

  12. Open your browser and go to: localhost:9132


Other Tools

  • Sublime Text [for editing and writing code]
    • Tools -> Open Project -> Presentations.sublime-project