
program that simulates a 16x16 maze with a "mouse" that has a sample AI utilizing floodfill-like algorithm

Primary LanguageC++


A micro-mouse simulation program. User may run their own algorithms by altering code in main.cpp (a sample flood-fill algorithm is provided). Program runs user’s algorithm in a 16x16 size maze, prints number of moves take, and allows repeated runs.



To view the simulation, download the executable and maze.txt files. Click the executable with the maze.txt file in the same directory.
To test own algorithm, recompile and run the main.cpp.


To view the simulation, download the a.out and maze.txt files. Run a.out with maze.txt in the same directory.
To test own algorithm, recompile and run the main.cpp file.


  • curses

Compilation command:

g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp Cell.cpp Maze.cpp Wall.cpp MicroMouseSim.cpp *.h -lncurses

Editing Code

To edit algorithm, open Micromouse_Simulator/main.cpp. Add code in the spaces labeled as follows (Code is structured as if it was being run on an Arduino):

#include "Common.h"
#include "MicroMouseSim.h"

//add libraries starting here
. . .
//and ending here

using namespace std;
MicroMouseSim world;

//add global variables starting here
. . .
//and ending here

//declare functions here
. . .
//and ending here

int main()
	//add setup() code here
	. . .
	//and ending here

	while (!world.displayMaze()){
		//add loop() code here
		. . .
        	//and ending here
	return 0;

Use the following to move the mouse or retrieve information about surroundings:

//Variables used to specify direction
//returns true if there is a wall in given DIRECTION
//moves mouse in given DIRECTION (can only be used once per loop)
//returns true if mouse has completed maze (used to reset variables between runs)

Note: main.cpp currently contains a sample algorithm already written.

Editing other parts of maze

To edit the maze, please edit the maze.txt file: The file is a 16 by 16 sequence of codes denoted by the following:

U	- there is an upper wall*
R	- there is a right wall*
B	- there is an upper and a right wall*
.	- there are no walls*
*adjacent to cell

To edit the size of the maze, open Micromouse_Simulator/Common.h and alter:

#define ROW_NUMBER 16
#define COLUMN_NUMBER 16

Note: the finish is always located at (COLUMN_NUMBER/2, ROW_NUMBER/2), rounded down. The grid convention is that (0,0) is located in the bottom left corner.
To edit the speed the mouse is moving, open Micromouse_Simulator/Common.h and alter:

#define DELAY_TIME 10

Note: delay time is time in miliseconds between each move.