
This is a project to aid stores and warehouses manage their products stock and keep track of sales. The program was written in Java and the data persisted in a MySQL database. Different categories of products are stored in different data structures.

Primary LanguageJava

Super Store Inventory Management system


This is a project to aid stores and warehouses manage their products stock and keep track of sales. The program was written in Java and the data persisted in a MySQL database. Different categories of products are stored in different data structures.


-- Stack Categories --

1.Bread/Bakery – sandwich loaves, dinner rolls, tortillas, bagels
2. Dairy – cheeses, eggs, milk, yoghurt, butter
3. Canned/Jarred Goods – vegetables, spaghetti sauce, ketchup
4. Beverages – coffee/tea, juice, soda

-- Queue Categories --

  1. Dry/Baking Goods – cereals, flour, sugar, pasta, mixes
  2. Frozen Foods – waffles, vegetables, individual meals, ice cream
  3. Meat – lunch meat, poultry, beef, pork

-- List Categories --

  1. Produce – fruits, vegetables
  2. Cleaners – all-purpose, laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid/detergent
  3. Paper Goods – paper towels, toilet paper, aluminium foil, sandwich bags
  4. Personal Care – shampoo, soap, hand soap, shaving cream


  • Adding Products
  • Editing Product details
  • Removing Products
  • Adding Vendors
  • Editing Vendor details
  • Removing Vendors
  • Creating Orders/Sales
  • Viewing Orders/Sales
  • Manage products according to the data structure they are contained in.

Project Structure

|__ .settings
|       org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
|       org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
|__ bin
|   |__application
|       |__ dataStructures
|               ArrayStack.class
|               CircularArrayQueue.class
|               ElementNotFoundException.class
|               EmptyCollectionException.class
|               ListADT.class
|               QueueADT.class
|               StackADT.class
|               UorderedArrayList.class
|               UnorderedListADT.class
|           AddProduct.fxml
|           AddProduct2.fxml
|           AddProductController.class
|           AddProductController2.class
|           AddToCart.fxml
|           AddToCartController.class
|           AddVendor.fxml
|           AddVendorController.class
|           application.css
|           Application.fxml
|           ApplicationController.class
|           BarcodeGenerator.class
|           Bill.class
|           BillController.class
|           Category.class
|           config.properties
|           DB_Connection.class
|           EditProduct.fxml
|           EditProductController.class
|           EditVendor.fxml
|           EditVendorController.class
|           EnqueueProduct.fxml
|           EnqueueProductController.class
|           ErrorMessage.class
|           Main.class
|           Order.class
|           Product.class
|           Products.fxml
|           ProductsController.class
|           PushProduct.fxml
|           PushProductController.class
|           RemoveProduct.fxml
|           RemoveProductController.class
|           Reports.fxml
|           ReportsController.class
|           Sales.fxml
|           SalesController.class
|           Vendor.class
|           VendorController.class
|           Vendors.fxml
|__ jar
|       barbecue-1.5-beta1.jar
|       dotenv-java-2.2.4.jar
|       ikonli-core-12.3.1.jar
|       ikonli-fontawesome5-pack-12.3.1.jar
|       ikonli-javafx-12.3.1.jar
|       json-20220320.jar
|       mysql-connector-java-8.0.30m.jar
|__ sql
|       inventory_management_system data.sql
|       inventory_management_system.sql
|       inventory_management_system_category.sql
|       inventory_management_system_order.sql
|       inventory_management_system_order_list.sql
|       inventory_management_system_product.sql
|       inventory_management_system_supplier.sql
|       inventory_management_system_user.sql
|__ src
|   |__application
|       |__ dataStructures
|               ArrayStack.java
|               CircularArrayQueue.java
|               ElementNotFoundException.java
|               EmptyCollectionException.java
|               ListADT.java
|               QueueADT.java
|               StackADT.java
|               UorderedArrayList.java
|               UnorderedListADT.java
|           AddProduct.fxml
|           AddProduct2.fxml
|           AddProductController.java
|           AddProductController2.java
|           AddToCart.fxml
|           AddToCartController.java
|           AddVendor.fxml
|           AddVendorController.java
|           application.css
|           Application.fxml
|           ApplicationController.java
|           BarcodeGenerator.java
|           Bill.java
|           BillController.java
|           Category.java
|           config.properties
|           DB_Connection.java
|           EditProduct.fxml
|           EditProductController.java
|           EditVendor.fxml
|           EditVendorController.java
|           EnqueueProduct.fxml
|           EnqueueProductController.java
|           ErrorMessage.java
|           Main.java
|           Order.java
|           Product.java
|           Products.fxml
|           ProductsController.java
|           PushProduct.fxml
|           PushProductController.java
|           RemoveProduct.fxml
|           RemoveProductController.java
|           Reports.fxml
|           ReportsController.java
|           Sales.fxml
|           SalesController.java
|           Vendor.java
|           VendorController.java
|           Vendors.fxml
|   .classpath
|   .env
|   .project
|   build.fxbuild
|   NBC_Superstore.png


  • MySQL Server
  • Eclipse Java IDE
    • E(fx)clipse plugin
  • JDK 18
  • JavaFX 18 SDK


  1. Download and install MySQL Server and get it running. Use Getting Started with MySQL.
  2. Open the .env file in the project root and fill in the database configuration variables as they are setup on your machine.
  3. Open the project as an Eclipse project. You can use the .project file to set it up.
  4. Install the E(fx)clipse plugin from the eclipse marketplace.
  5. Setup your Eclipse project for JavaFX by following Getting Stared with JavaFX. You can also check out how to set up the project on other IDEs. (We used Eclipse for development and so all intructions relate to Eclipse).

This project is an individual project deliverable for DCIT 308