- Pull
- Staging (adding)
- Commit
- Push
- Working Directory
- Repository (remote & local)
- Branch
- Merge
git init
in the directory that you want to track changes in -
You can also do
git clone <<repository.url.git>>
if you already have a remote origin set up -
The following is also provided by GitHub as a framework for setting up a remote origin for your repository
echo "# git-lesson" >> README.md git init git add README.md git commit -m "first commit" git remote add origin git@github.com:DerfOh/git-lesson.git git push -u origin master
Stage your changes
git add .
Commit your changes
git commit
Write your commit message
git push
Once you have all the changes committed if you're working with a remote origin then you need to push or changes to that origin
If you're working locally only then there is no need to push
git clone <<repository.url.git>>
- If you already have an existing repository to start with
git pull
- Pull from the remote repository after you have cloned it to your local directory
git checkout -b feature
(the "-b" specifies that the branch is to be created")- development occurs on the branch then the changes are staged and committed...
Once development is completed the user then switches back to master
git checkout master
Then the developer merges the master branch with the branch they created
git merge feature
Git will automatically attempt to merge the files if there are any conflicts it will prompt the user to fix them