
Application template using RTLib.

Primary LanguageCMake

RTLib Template

Template for applications wishing to use RTLib.


You are strongly recommended to read the README of RTLib before proceeding.

You will be needing the following to compile:

Optional software that will make your life easier:


  1. Clone this repository to your local system.
git clone https://github.com/Derppening/RTLib-Template.git
  1. Initialize all the submodule dependencies.
cd RTLib-Template
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Build LibOpenCM3.

This step is required by RTLib to recognize which targets are supported by libopencm3. Subsequent builds can skip this step, as building RTLib will implicitly build libopencm3.

cd RTLib/libopencm3
  1. Modify RTLib's CMakeLists.txt.

RTLib needs to know what MCU and board configuration your application is targeting, so modify that as necessary. Normally, editing the following lines should be enough:

# Choose target device here

# Choose target mainboard pin configuration here

If the pin configuration of your board is not identified by RTLib, you may need to provide your own configuration header. See the examples from RTLib to learn how to write your own.

  1. Create your main.cpp, and modify this template's CMakeLists.txt.

Just start off with something simple!

int main() {}
  1. Try to build the application.
# Create a new folder to house all CMake-related files.
mkdir cmake-build && cd cmake-build

# Change the -G option according to your build system, might be different for example if you were using MinGW.
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../RTLib/cmake/arm-toolchain.cmake -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" ..

# Finally run the make command to initate the build process. This will build everything into the "cmake-build" folder.
cmake --build . --target all

The resulting binaries (RTLib-Template_Debug.bin and RTLib-Template_Debug.elf) will be located in the same directory.

If you are using CLion, you can skip all the terminal commands. However, you will have to specify the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable manually in Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > CMake > CMake Options.

Note that if you are using the command line and at any point the CMake configuration is modified, the CMake cache must be regenerated for changes to apply. CLion users can skip this procedure, since CLion is automatically refresh the CMake cache if it detects a configuration change.

Testing on a Device

You should have either an ST-Link, USB-TTL, or JLink for your device. Check your mainboard if you are unsure.

All following code assumes your current working directory is where your binaries are.


../RTLib/scripts/flash_stlink.sh ../[target].bin  # Replace target.bin with the appropriate file


../RTLib/scripts/flash_jlink.sh <device> ./[target].bin  # Replace target.bin with the appropriate file