
No longer maintained. I recommend looking at instead

A port of the Ace Attorney reddit bot by micah5 to Twitter.

Summon the bot by replying @Objection_Bot_ to any Twitter thread involving two or more people.

This is still somewhat experimental and a bit of a hack job, so expect bugs and issues.


You'll need to clone the repository with --recurse-submodules. For example:

git clone --recurse-submodules

You'll also need the relevant game assets used for generating videos, which are not distributed with the repository as they're owned by Capcom. These should be put in a new folder called ./assets/.

Docker and Docker Compose are needed for running the bot yourself. You'll also need an API key, a token and their secrets from the Twitter Developer Dashboard. Duplicate .env.example to .env and paste the keys there.


If you want to contribute improvements to the video generation, then you should do so at micah5's repo. I have a submodule set up pointing to it so any changes or improvements to that project can be easily brought over here.

Any other contributions are more than welcome. A quick rundown of the function of each Docker container:

  • mentions_fetch - Periodically pulls the latest @mentions to the bot and runs some simple checks to ensure it's a valid request, and then adds it to the queue in the database to be processed.
  • thread_scraper - Reads the mentions_fetch queue and scrapes the full thread up to the last 25 tweets, and does some simple filtering and normalising. These are then passed to another queue for video processing.
  • video_processing - Where the magic happens. Converts the threads queued up into their final video form, and runs a separate thread for sending out the replies.

The database used for this is Redis due to its speed and simplicity, making it ideal for caching data like this.