City-Country Match Game

Welcome to the City-Country Match Game repository! This interactive game challenges players to match cities to the countries they belong to. Dive in to test your geographical knowledge and see how you rank!

🌍 Overview

The game presents players with a series of cards, each representing a city. The player's task is to match each city with its corresponding country. Upon completion, the player's time is recorded, and they're given a percentile rank based on their performance compared to other players. Additionally, players have the option to submit their details for further engagement.

📖 Table of Contents

✨ Features

  • Interactive Gameplay: Engage with a user-friendly interface and smooth animations.
  • Performance Tracking: Get real-time feedback on your game performance.
  • Backend Integration: Seamless integration with Google Apps Script and Cloudflare Workers for data storage and retrieval.

🚀 Getting Started


  • A Google account to set up Google Apps Script.
  • A Cloudflare account to deploy the worker function.


  1. Google Apps Script:

    • Navigate to Google Apps Script.
    • Create a new script and replace its content with the provided script from the Google Apps Script folder.
    • Publish the script as a web app. Note down the provided URL.
    • Replace the dummy URL in the Cloudflare Worker script with the URL you obtained from publishing the Google Apps Script.
  2. Cloudflare Worker:

    • Navigate to Cloudflare Workers.
    • Create a new worker and replace its content with the provided script from the Cloudflare Worker folder.
    • Deploy the worker and note down the provided URL.
    • Replace the dummy URL in the script.html file with the URL you obtained from deploying the Cloudflare Worker.
  3. Game Setup:

    • Clone this repository or download the files.
    • Open index.html in a browser to play the game.

📁 File Structure

  • index.html: The main HTML file containing the structure of the game.
  • styles.css: Contains the styling for the game.
  • script.js: Contains the JavaScript logic for the game.
  • Google Apps Script: Folder containing the backend script to save game data to a Google Sheet.
  • Cloudflare Worker: Folder containing the worker function to handle CORS issues when communicating with Google Apps Script.

🎮 Usage

To play the game, simply open index.html in a browser. Match each city card with its corresponding country. Once all matches are made, your time will be recorded and you'll be given a percentile rank. You can also submit your details for further engagement.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page to contribute.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.