DerrickWood/kraken2 line 27: rsync: command not found

Opened this issue · 2 comments


When I am going to download the kraken2 database following the nature protocol, there is an error pops up as the title shown, my code is: "kraken2-build --db krakendb --download-taxonomy".

I am asking for help to solve this problem.

thank you!

hi @Tsingsjeen, i had the same error some days ago, i fixed it replacing the rsync file in my conda enviroment just remove the .txt extension

im currently building a database, so i dont know yet if it worked or not correctly

tell me if it worked for you

b regards

hi @Tsingsjeen, i had the same error some days ago, i fixed it replacing the rsync file in my conda enviroment just remove the .txt extension

im currently building a database, so i dont know yet if it worked or not correctly

tell me if it worked for you

b regards


I manually downloaded and unpacked this to my kraken2 database.
