Deamer Natural Deduction, is a language used to natural deduce abstract propositions.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Deamer Natural Deduction, is a language used to natural deduce abstract propositions.

Its purpose it to check wether an abstract proposition is a tautology.


DND is created using the DeamerProject. DeamerProject is a compiler generation infrastructure, used to easily create languages.


Currently this is in the starting phase, and will most likely don't do anything. Whenever a working prototype is available, you are able to get it from the releases page as a "Pre-Release".


Basic propositions

Basic propositions are any form of standard abstract propositions. You can define a simple proposition as follows:

\ All the possible simple operations
a and b
a or b
a => b
a <=> b
a = b

Comparisons (mathematics)

You can also use comparisons such as greater than or less than. E.g.:

\ All the different comparisons
a >= b
a > b
a <= b
a < b

Arithmetic (mathematics)

You can also use arithmetic, E.g.:

\ All the different basic arithmetic operations
a + b
a - b
a * b
a / b
a ^ b

Complex propositions

If you want to define some more complex propositions, other than A and B , you are required to use '(' and ')', E.g.:

(a and b) or ((not a) and (not b))

By putting some expression inside parenthesis, you create a new value, which enables you to use another operation.


DND also supports predicates. Currently we support 2 quantifiers:

  • universal
  • ,and existential

You can use them as follows:

\ universal quantifier
for all [ Var x in Naturals : x + 1 > x]

\ existential quantifier
there is [ Var y in Integers : y ^ 2 = 0]

You can also combine quantifiers with other quantifiers:

for all [ Var x in Naturals : there is [ Var y in Integers and (x != y) : y < x]]


You can define your own functions, or predefined functions. There are also ways to import functions.

You can call a function just like you will do in most other languages:

\ Set some var x, to be the output of function "RandomInteger()"
Define Var X = RandomInteger()

\ Print 20

\Print the variables X, y, and z
Print(x, y, z) 

Defining your own functions is also very similar to most other languages:

\ Check if the Truth functions are not the same by all
\ Returns True or False
Define Function disjoint(a, b, c)
	(a != b) and ((a != c) and (b != c))

\ x1 is a tautology
Define Var x1 = True

\ y1 is a contradiction
Define Var y1 = False

\ z1 is some abstract proposition
Define Var z1

Define Var X = disjoint(x1, y1, z1)

Importing functions is described in the section "Import"


You can import other libraries, this is useful whenever you don't want to write a specific piece of repetitive code, which is defined in another library.

Importing can be done as follows:

Import SomeLibrary

All functions from "SomeLibrary" will be available to use in the file you imported the library.


As you may have noticed, we used a lot of the character '\', this character is used for commenting in your code. The '\' is a single line comment.

If you want to use multi line comments you need to use "\* *\".


\ This is a single line comment
for all[Var x in Naturals : ] \ I can put everywhere 
\ , but will only cover one line

But I can go
over multiple lines!

But note it is not used to "comment" code, whenever you do this you risk on getting incorrect output, or uncompilable code. So please refrain of using '*' and '\' unnecessarily in the comment blocks, use them only for starting and ending.


You can create sets as follows:

Define Var SomeNumbers = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

You can create sets of nearly everything:

Define Var ExampleOfComplexSets =
	disjoint(1, 2, 3),
		{0, {}, {2, 3, 4, 5}, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

Set logic

The following operations and comparisons are defined for sets:

Define Var Universe = Naturals