
Terminal Hearthstone card search

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Hearthstone Card Search in the Terminal


Large screenshow with several hits: http://i.imgur.com/TpUWeTn.png

This is a script written in ruby to search for specific cards via data from http://hearthstonejson.com/

It already supports autocompletion with tab when the application is running. So ed and tab will become "edwin van cleef". The tab completion will show all 400+ cards. These have been downloaded and stored in the repo for fast access. You can now also search directly via the command line with the -c or --card argument. The script now supports partial search as well, so "doom" will find Doomhammer, Doomguard, Bane of Doom and Doomsayer.

Quite happy with what it does now. What i would like in the future is like a ascii version of the card and bash completion for the CLI.

Input and contributions are always welcome!