This release adds the Shorts Blowpipe and FIM-43C Redeye systems to the mod, courtesy of Xeno426.
The Blowpipe uses some of the SeaCat code to simulate a near-impossible MCLOS targetting and the resulting missile trajectory.
Both systems should be fairly inaccurate and unlikely to hit a fast jet.
This Mod adds the prolific Strela-2 and Strela-2M, NATO SA-7/SA-7b "Grail" to DCS.
The Strela-2 is an early, light IR-homing MANPADS produced in the thousands and proliferated in most major conflicts of the 70s. The mod attempts to simulate its limited capability - stemming from the uncooled IR seeker, single channel autopilot and contact fuzing. The 9M32 missile is susceptible to flares and allows for rear aspect launches. Damage output is limited due to the light, 370g explosive filling of the warhead.
In gameplay terms, the missile is dangerous to helicopters and low flying cargo aircraft. Fast jets will rarely be hit if they do at least one of the following:
- stay above 4500 ft
- use flares
- fly fast (>300 kts)
- avoid flying dead straight
Most aircraft should be able to survive a single hit and you will get to finally experience the hard work developers put into your favourite colander's damage model.
The Strela-2M is a significantly improved system with capability increases across the board. It is much more likely to successfully engage fast movers. Stay above 6000 ft.
- the AI will attempt side-aspect launches as of now, which will almost always miss. The issue seems to be with AI behaviour, not so much as with the system's capability.
- the motor characteristics need tuning to better reflect the characteristics of the actual booster and 2-stage rocked motor used in the 9m32 and 9m32m
Place the unpacked folders into the %drive_letter/Users/%user/Saved Games/DCS* directory.
Credit goes to the HDS ( ) team: this mod is a modification of their Strela-3 implementation, itself a mix of fim-92 and igla MANPADS.