Desbordante is a high-performance data profiler that is capable of discovering many different patterns in data using various algorithms. It also allows to run data cleaning scenarios using these algorithms. Desbordante has a console version and an easy-to-use web application.
- adobat
- alexandrsmirnSt. Petersburg
- Aviu00
- BUYT-1
- chernishevSaint-Petersburg University + Unidata
- chevalx西安
- DaniilGoncharov
- eduardgaisin
- eliastorWorld
- GerHobbeltAlmelo (NL)
- hirnlosenAlmaty, Almaty Province, Kazakhstan
- iliya-b
- inloodInLood
- kirill-stupakovUniverse Data
- lenapheno
- litong-2017
- mac12841Petrozavodsk,Karelia
- max-fofanov
- milostHasso Plattner Institute
- Mstrutov
- nixjke
- ol-andreyizrailev
- Pechenux
- polyntsovNDA, Quantitative trading
- rakhmukovaMunich, Germany
- RuslanAbliazov
- Sched71
- studokimSaint Petersburg State Univ.
- VanyaVolgushevMilky Way, Solar system, Earth, Eurasia, Russia, Saint-Petersburg
- viralpraxis
- vladyoslavSaint Petersburg, Russia
- vs9h
- VyrodovMikhailRussia, Saint Petersburg
- yanchickYandex.Practicum, AI Talent Hub