
GitPub is an web application developed by Software Engineering students in University of Brasília

Primary LanguageCSS



About the Project

Codacy Badge License: GPL v3 Python Docs

GitPub is an web application developed by Software Engineering students of Universidade de Brasilia - UnB, that aims to aid the management of software projects within university disciplines. The application consists of a repository for projects that are developed in the course of the disciplines of the UnB and that most of the time are lost for lack of an appropriate place to expose what has been developed by the students and as a result the University loses the opportunity to own a portfolio with quality projects. The repository will be connected with the platforms of source code hosting with version control GitHub And GitLab.



It is required to have Docker and Docker Compose installed. Navigate to the project folder and run the Docker Compose command.

cd core/gitpub
docker-compose up


OS X & Linux:

It is required to have Python 3 and Django installed. Navigate to the project folder, run migrations and then the server.

cd GitPub/
python3 ./manage.py migrate
python3 ./manage.py runserver

Main functionalities

  • View Disciplines / Semesters / Projects
  • Register Users
  • Log in Users
  • Comment
  • Enroll in Discipline
  • Register Projects
  • Create Disciplines
  • Manage Disciplines


Nome Email GitHub
Arthur Diniz arthurbdiniz@gmail.com @arthurbdiniz
Gabriel Ziegler gabrielziegler3@gmail.com @gabrielziegler3
Joao Carlos joao4018@gmail.com @joao4018
Kamila Costa kamillacosta.unb@gmail.com @KahCosta
Romeu Carvalho romeucarvalho2009@hotmail.com @RomeuCarvalhoAntunes
Vitor Falcão vitorfhcosta@gmail.com @vitorfhc
Vitor Moura victor_cmoura@hotmail.com @victorcmoura
