EventsAndMore is a company which main goal is to prepare events that organizations what to organize for other entities and visitors. EventsAndMore offers the infrastructure to prepare a well-organized event, offering the pavilion, additional services and a good client attention. This Django web application project consists of the EventAndMore web application that would use in a real case scenario in order to boost sales, improve team communication, increase the efficiency of the company and have client satisfied.
This project development has been done in a team of five people using the Agile methodology, more specifically implementing the SCRUM technics.
The main functionalities of the web application are:
- Users can register, login, logout and change their personal information in their profile as an Organizer, Entity or EventAndMore employee.
- Events can be created, edited, deleted and searched.
- Stands can be created, edited, deleted and searched, always linked to an event.
- Additional services can be created, edited, deleted and searched, always linked to a stand.
Download all the GitHub project and libraries or clone the repository in order to run it in a virtual environment.
In order to set the database and create a superadmin user with username admin and pasword admin you can execute the command on Linux platforms:
make reset
The EventsAndMore web application has been deployed as an assignment for the subject Models de Procés at the University of Lleida by:
- Sebastian Bampton
- Jaume Guasch,
- Oriol Llobera,
- Alex Florensa, and,
- Martí Serratosa.
Subject's project of "Models de Procés", University of Lleida.