
The library contains the following features:

  • Chance rolling
  • Region picking like WorldEdit
  • Region handling (Cuboid)
  • Formatting doubles
  • Converting Locations to readable string and vica-versa
  • Serializator
  • Inventory utilities (filling empty slots with items)
  • Simple translation (doesn't support placeholders yet)
  • ItemBuilder
  • Invitation System
  • Small Custom Block Framework

About the library:

As the name suggest, the library contains basic things.
The library was not made for complex systems, such as a full custom block framework, but this will change.

Currently the library has a wide version range compatibility, due it's not using any specified NMS code.
In the future the library most up-to-date features will only support the current minecraft version.
If you need any other version you will need to do it yourself, you can freely fork this and make changes.






Invitation System

The system is already included, but it's under testing.
Documentation will be avaible after it's polished.
See: package

Custom Block Framework

(Probably should not be called a framework)
See: package

Timed Actions


You can make cancellable countdown timers on a player's actionbar.

First you need to initialize to use this feature:


public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
  public void onEnable(){

You need to extend AbstractTimedAction, which controls the logic of an action.

public class TestAction extends AbstractTimedAction {

    public void onCompleted(Player player){
    //You can override a lot of thing, you can even change the basic color codes.
    public void onTick(Player player, double remainingTime, double startDuration) {
        super.onTick(player, remainingTime, startDuration);
    public void onStart(Player player) {
        this.BRACKET_COLOR = "§8";
        this.TIME_COLOR = "§4";


There is a sample to starting an action:

public class Interact implements Listener {

    public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent e){
        if(e.getItem().getType() != Material.DIAMOND) return;

        TimedAction.startAction(e.getPlayer(), new TestAction(), 30);

Keep in mind a player only can have one TimedAction
So if you add an another with startAction the old one will be cancelled.
Because of this you should make an event for ItemChange and cancel any going Action with cancelAction(Player player)


Example can be found in

Suggestion: Manifold

Use manifold to be able to use the extension methods (InventoryExtensions, LocationExtensions), see: Manifold

Future plans

  • Support NMS things (NBTs) with multiple versions
  • Better location save,load options (LocationUtils)
  • LockPick system
  • Submodule systems