
Online mvdXMLChecker: Use mvdXML to validate IFC models

Primary LanguageJava

mvdXML Checker

version 2.54.0

Jyrki Oraskari

General View

The MVD Checker is a generic tool for verifying IFC models. The validation rules are defined in the mvdXML schema. The software produces a BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) report that can be used in BIM tools like Solibri to review the viewpoints and the comment of the validation issues.

  • 13 December 2021: Security patch added for the web interface.


  1. Model Support Group (MSG) of buildingSMART International Ltd. Specification of a standardized format to define and exchange Model View Definitions with Exchange Requirements and Validation Rules. Version 1.1 Final. 15. 02. 2016

Supported mvdXML versions are v1.1. v1-1 and v1.2 draft 3.

Precompiled binaries that can be used at a web application server can be found here: https://github.com/jyrkioraskari/OnlineMvdXMLChecker/releases

Tomcat 9 (https://tomcat.apache.org/download-90.cgi) was used as an application server for the tests.

This code is based on the original work of Chi Zhang in: https://github.com/BenzclyZhang/mvdXMLChecker

The test Open API interface can be found here: http://lbd.arch.rwth-aachen.de/mvdXMLChecker/apidocs/

A Sample Python client source

Python 3.8. Needed modules: requests

import requests
import json
from pathlib import Path

ifc_file_path = 'C:/test/Duplex_A_20110505.ifc'
mvdxml_file_path = 'C:/test/Simple.mvdxml'

ifc_file = open(ifc_file_path, 'rb')
mvdxml_file = open(mvdxml_file_path, 'rb')

files = {"ifcFile": (ifc_file_path, ifc_file),"mvdXMLfile": (mvdxml_file_path, mvdxml_file)}

resp = requests.post("http://lbd.arch.rwth-aachen.de/mvdXMLChecker/api/check_plain", files=files, headers=headers )
print("status code " + str(resp.status_code))

if resp.status_code == 200:
    print ("Success")
    data = json.loads(resp.text)
    print ("Failure")

BCF Download

import requests
from pathlib import Path

ifc_file_path = 'c:\\temp\\A.ifc'
mvdxml_file_path = 'c:\\temp\\A.mvdxml'

ifc_file = open(ifc_file_path, 'rb')
mvdxml_file = open(mvdxml_file_path, 'rb')

files = {"ifcFile": (ifc_file_path, ifc_file),"mvdXMLfile": (mvdxml_file_path, mvdxml_file)}
resp = requests.post("http://lbd.arch.rwth-aachen.de/mvdXMLChecker/api/check", files=files, headers=headers )
print("status code " + str(resp.status_code))

if resp.status_code == 200:
    print ("Success")
    bcf_file = open("c:\\temp\\results.bcfzip", "wb")
    print ("Failure")



Docker (https://www.docker.com/) installations are available for the interfaces. A client for a desktop computer can be installed from https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop .

Docker for the Open API interface

Open API

Command-line commands needed to start the server at your computer;

docker pull jyrkioraskari/api4mvdxmlchecker:latest

docker container run -it --publish 8081:8080 jyrkioraskari/api4mvdxmlchecker

Then the software can be accessed from the local web address: http://localhost:8081/

Docker for the Web interface

User Interface

Command-line commands needed to start the server at your computer;

docker pull jyrkioraskari/webui4mvdxmlchecker:latest

docker container run -it --publish 8084:8080 jyrkioraskari/webui4mvdxmlchecker

Then the software can be accessed from the local web address: http://localhost:8084/

The command-line tool

Usage: java -jar MvdXMLCommandLineChecker.jar -ifc <file> -mvdXML <file>

 -ifc <file>      The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) file to be tested.
                  Versions IFC2x3, and IFC4 are supported.
 -mvdXML <file>   The mvdXML (Model View Definitions with Exchange
                  Requirements and Validation Rules) definition file for
                  the validation.

Installation commands in Linux

sudo cp  mvdXMLChecker.war /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps
suco chmod 777 /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/mvdXMLChecker.war
sudo systemctl restart tomcat8 

Swagger.json description for the services


Cite this

  author       = {Jyrki Oraskari},
  title        = {jyrkioraskari/mvdXMLChecker: mvdChecker 2.51.0},
  month        = oct,
  year         = 2021,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {2.51.0},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.5543727},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5543727}


This work has been written in RWTH-Aachen. The research was funded by the EU through the H2020 project BIM4REN.
