Ansible Playbooks for DesignSafe

Ansible playbooks for deploying/managing various components of the DesignSafe-CI.


Before you can run these playbooks, you will need to make sure the following is all set up and configured.


  • build-essential
  • libssl-dev
  • python 2.x
  • python-dev
  • python-setuptools
  • pip
  • Ansible 2.x


  • Host keys for deployment targets
  • Host file(s) for deployment targets
    • Should be configured outside the playbook, e.g. /designsafe/ansible/hosts
    • A template for this is available ?here? [[TODO]]
  • Ansible variables Variables for deployment targets
    • Should be configured outside the playbook, e.g. /designsafe/ansible/variables/variables.yml
    • A template for this is available ?here? [[TODO]]



Before you can use these playbooks you will need to configure your Ansible inventory and setup your variables file(s). The default inventory location is /etc/ansible/inventory. The ansible.cfg file located at the root of this repository sets the inventory file location to ~/.ansible/hosts. To use this config file either a) run playbooks from the root of this repository or b) copy the ansible.cfg file to $HOME.


Variables files for each playbook should be placed in the directory ~/.ansible/designsafe/vars/.


The following playbooks are available. For each is listed the inventory group and variables file that will be activated when you run the associated playbook.

DesignSafe Main Portal


  • Inventory group: designsafe_portal_prod
  • Variables file: ~/.ansible/designsafe/vars/portal_prod.yml
  • Playbook: playbooks/portal_prod.yml


  • Inventory group: designsafe_portal_qa
  • Variables file: ~/.ansible/designsafe/vars/portal_qa.yml
  • Playbook: playbooks/portal_qa.yml
  • Commands: ansible-playbook playbooks/portal_qa.yml --limit=portal-dev -vvv && ansible-playbook playbooks/portal_qa.yml --limit=worker-dev -vvv

DesignSafe EF Sites

  • Inventory group: designsafe_ef_prod
  • Variables file: ~/.ansible/designsafe/vars/portal_prod.yml
  • Playbook: playbooks/ef_prod.yml

Elasticsearch cluster


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