Using a low-cost multiplexer and arduino to extend the E4980A LCR Meter to up to 16 Channels
This is a project derived from one of my previous on E4980A LCR Meter.
This rep contains code supporting the extension of the Agilent E4980A LCR Meter to up to 16 channels
Hardware requirement: 1 * E4980A, 1 * Arduino Uno, and 1 * Sparkfun 16 Channel Mux
Sparkfun Mux introduce a lot of noise for the system. I implemented a new multiplexer using Texas Instrument MUX36S16 (high presision); Added another synchronous Mux for the other input of the LCR. That is to address the issue of interconnection between capacitors Updated Multiplexer: 2 * MUX36S16
Software requirement: Everything from the E4980A_MATLAB_Monitor project (Link above), and the Arduino supporting package for MATLAB.
An error will occur when downloading the supporting package from the MATLAB IDE, see the following link for solution.
In the MATLAB code I used 9 channels and achieved a fastest sampling frequency of 2.85hz (0.35s iterating through 9 channels)
To address the issue of ghosting upon channel switching, a short delay is needed. The stable frequency is about 1.5Hz
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via
Runze Zuo, University of Toronto, Computer Engineering 3rd Year Undergrad.