
Openstack resource cleaner for keystone v3

Primary LanguagePython

Resource Cleaner

WARNING Be careful of running this script on production, as it really deletes all user's resources without any prompt.

Resource Cleaner wipes: instances, user images, volumes, snapshots from volumes, networks(subnets, routers, floating IPs), and sets quotas of user to zero.

NOTE: Only resources in Default project are deleted.

How to run

To run script, submit admin name as -a, admin password as -p, Full keystone API endpoint as -e and username as -u:

python res_cleaner.py -a {admin username} -p {admin pass} -e {api endpoint} -u {username}

After this script worked, user must Log out and Log in to have an ability to buy new package.

Known issues

Keypairs are not deleted due to bug in nova working with keystone api v3.