Monefy app Functionality matrix (in order of importance)


Add any kind of expense using the app. Verify that the percentage is distributed accordingly.

  • verify that adding note works.
  • verify that it is possible to change the account while adding the expense.
  • verify that it is possible to change the category while adding the expense.
  • verify that it is possible to change the date while adding the expense.
  • verify that it is possible to delete expense while simply clicking and holding it.
  • the same with multiple expenses
  • verify that it is possible to edit the expense

Types of income

Add all 3 standard types of income: deposits, salary and savings.

  • verify that it is possible to add any deposit income
  • verify that it is possible to add any salary income
  • verify that it is possible to add any savings income

Calendar function

Check using the calendar function

  • day. Verify that change of day works and that expenses for each day are individual.
  • week. Verify that change of week works, and the expenses don’t overlap. also that week sums up amounts for the days accordingly.
  • month. Verify that change of month works, and the expenses don’t overlap. also that month sums up amounts for the weeks and days accordingly.
  • year. Verify that change of year works, and the expenses don’t overlap. also that year sums up amounts for the months, weeks and days accordingly


Verify that it is changing of the account works

Balance View

Verify that the amount of added expenses sums up and number of added expenses for each category is correct


Verify using the calculator while adding the expenses


Verify that transfer functionality works between accounts

  • verify that it is not possible to transfer from the same account
  • verify that all cases passes for calendar and math operations
  • verify that adding new transfer to another account source saves it with correct information
  • verify that it is possible to save transfer and undo it correctly
  • verify that it is not possible to save transfer with negative value

Unlock paid app

Verify that unlock of the app works in several ways:

  • through direct clicking of Unlock Monefy Pro using the settings
  • through switching to the Dark theme
  • through passcode protection
  • through synchronization.
  • through multi-currencies.
  • though adding new categories.

Paid features

Verify that paid features work.

  • verify that password protection works
  • verify that synchronization to dropbox works
  • verify that synchronization to google drive works
  • verify that it is possible to change to dark theme and back
  • verify that it is possible to add new category
  • verify that it is possible to add new payment source


Verify that change of currency works

  • Verify that changing of currencies works in all affected areas


Verify that all of the settings work:

  • change of language
  • change of currency
  • change of first day of the week
  • change of first day of the month

Export and data backup

Verify that the Export and Data backup works

  • verify export functionality
  • verify data backup functionality
  • verify data restore functionality
  • verify clear data functionality

Budget mode

Verify that budget mode works

New accounts

Verify that adding of new account works

  • verify that you can freely add any new type of account
  • verify that you can freely delete added accounts
  • verify that you can use currency conversion while adding the accounts

Categories editing

Verify that editing of categories work

  • verify that change of icon works
  • verify that deleting of category works
  • verify that adding non-custom category works


  • I would consider this behaviour as a bug - when you delete the account, the app doesn’t ask what to do with it’s added entries.