
These scripts can be used to stress test the openstack cloud system

WARNING Be careful of running these scripts on production and parent, they can critically influence system performance

This project provides scripts to give a simple stress tests on core platform services: compute, volume, image and network.

  1. Authentication

All scripts accepts keystone Identity URL as -k, username as -u, password as -p and tenant -p. Also all scripts accept number of parallel batches as -n.

  1. Creating instances.

To create instance you should provide flavor id as -f, and image id as -i.::

python -k {v2 endpoint} -u {username} -p {password} -t {tenant} -f 1 -i {image_id} -n 10

To delete instance, you should do::

python -k {v2 endpoint} -u {username} -p {password} -t {tenant}
  1. Creating volumes.

Additionaly from authentication, only size is provided as -s (in Gb). This script will create 10 volumes with 1Gb in parallel.::

python -k {v2 endpoint} -u {username} -p {password} -t {tenant} -s 1 -n 10

To delete volumes, you should do::

python -k {v2 endpoint} -u {username} -p {password} -t {tenant}
  1. Creating images.

All images are created from Cirros. Only number of images should be provided as -n. So each time new cirros iso is downloaded, test runs and then image is delete from filesystem.::

python -k {v2 endpoint} -u {username} -p {password} -t {tenant} tempest -n 10
  1. Creating networks.

Script accepts only number of networks to be created as -n.::

python -k {v2 endpoint} -u {username} -p {password} -t {tenant} -t tempest -n 20