
This repository is a test framework built to demonstrate WebDriverJS

How to install

  1. In the cloned repository, use the below commands to install the dependencies.

    $ npm install
    $ bower install


  1. The specs use a local installation of MIFOSX Application. Please see MIFOSX Community App for details.
  2. The specs require Selenium Server Standalone jar to be downloaded and the location provided where necessary. Please see here for installation details.
  3. Make sure the required Browser Driver binaries are downloaded and available in PATH where necessary.


The repo has two types of specs.

  1. Specs that use WebDriverJS.

    These specs are present in spec directory.

    To run the tests,

    • Open DriverConfig.js and
      • Specify the Selenium Server details on your machine
      • Specify the browser you would wish to use
    • Open AppConfig.js and
      • Point to the locally installed MIFOSX application
    • Run the tests using node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha --timeout 50000 spec/login
  2. Specs that use Protractor.

    These specs are present in ptr_spec and ncrypted_spec directories.

    To run the tests,

    • Open conf2.js and
      • Specify the browsers you would wish to use
    • Open AppConfig.js and
      • Point to the locally installed MIFOSX application
    • Run the tests using protractor conf2.js

Framework Details

The framework consists of

  • Page Objects (Abstractions of UI Pages)
  • Specs (Specification files written using Mocha)
  • Config Objects (Configuration Files)
  • Test Data Objects (Test Data Files)
