
Wikia demo test based on Ruby, cucumber and

The test consists of two scenarios

  1. How to prepare environment

Install ruby and cucumber (on MacOs X) or follow

curl -L | bash -s stable
rvm pkg install openssl
rvm pkg install iconv
CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 rvm install 1.9.3 --with-iconv-dir=$rvm_usr_path --with -openssh-dir=$rvm_usr_path
rvm use 1.9.3 --default

Install webdriver::

gem install rake bundler yard watir-webdriver
  1. How to run scripts

Checkout repository

CD to the directory, and do::

gem install testgen
gem install bundler
bundle install

Run tests by features, on chrome::

cucumber features/upload_video.feature BROWSER=chrome
cucumber features/login.feature BROWSER=chrome

Run tests by features, on firefox::

cucumber features/upload_video.feature BROWSER=firefox
cucumber features/login.feature BROWSER=firefox

Run all tests on chrome::

cucumber BROWSER=chrome

You should have something like::

Mac-mini-Ruslan:wikia-test ruslan$ cucumber BROWSER=chrome
Using the default profile...
Feature: Login to Wikia
    As a user
    I want to login to Wikia website
So I can work inside it

 Given I have opened the Home Page

Scenario: Successful login
    Then I am redirected to the correct home page ""
    When I login with valid credentials
    Then I became loginned

Feature: Upload video
As a user
While I am loginned to wikia
I want to make sure I can upload videos

    Given I have opened the Home Page

Scenario: Successful login
    When I login with valid credentials
    Then I became loginned
    And I want to Contribute and add video
    Then I am redirected to the WikiaVideoAdd page
    And I upload the video ""
    Then I verify that flash message text was correct
    When I left click to file on the flash message
    Then I am redirected to the page with video name
    Then I verify that filename is the same as on the flash message

2 scenarios (2 passed)
14 steps (14 passed)