
A collection of free stuff you can get at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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A collection of free stuff you can get at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  • Cluedumps and IAP Classes
    • SIPB organizes dozens of IAP classes each year on technical topics both serious and fun. During the fall term SIPB also offers a series of Cluedump talks, with a different topic each week. Add yourself to cluedump-announce@mit.edu if you're interested. We're also looking for MIT students to help keep them running smoothly.
  • Courseroad
    • Maintaining and adding features to the courseroad.mit.edu website, a degree planning tool for MIT courses. Our backend is shared with Fireroad (fireroad.mit.edu) and our frontend is written in VueJS.
  • dormspam
    • Formerly dormsp.am. This site takes emails from dormspam, extracts the time, date, title, and location, and automatically adds it to a website that MIT students can peruse through, as well as adds it to a Google Calendar link that any student can add to see all the events on campus.
  • Hydrant
    • Hydrant is a class planner for MIT students.
  • Mastodon
    • https://mastodon.mit.edu is an instance of the Mastodon federated social networking platform, a part of a Twitter-like communications network of independently-run servers. Anyone on any individual server can communicate with the global ecosystem of federated servers, creating a decentralized social network where no one person or corporation has control of everyoneâ��s data.
  • MIT Matrix
    • MIT Matrix (codename Uplink) is a chat app that integrates with the matrix.org network and the MIT ecosystem (i.e. automatic creation of accounts based on kerbs and integration with Canvas classes and mailing lists), allowing MIT students to create group chats or workspaces for their classes or orgs without needing to resort to proprietary/insecure third-party apps like Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Discord, etc. The goal is to provide this server and to give the MIT community a more cohesive and straightforward messaging experience. Note that the roles below aren't mutually exclusive or the only ways you could join and help, and are instead meant to be guidelines on how you can help. If you're interested in helping, but you're not sure how, or if you think the prereqs look scary but you still want to help, feel free to shoot an email! Everyone is welcome to join!
  • SIPB Documentation Project
    • The SIPB Documentation Project is a project to document in written form the collective knowledge that SIPB members take for granted or use in maintaining services and projects that is not otherwise written down anywhere.
  • SIPB Hardware Operations
    • The HWOPS team maintains the physical server rooms for SIPB: maintaining and upgrading our physical infrastructure, coordinating with IS&T and Facilities, and communicating with other SIPB projects that have or need physical computing resources. We are responsible for the operation of the machine room in W20-575A, as well as for some operations of SIPB's servers in W91. We provide physical server space, server hardware, and server support services to other SIPB projects.
  • SIPB Hyades
    • The SIPB Hyades project is SIPB's next-generation computing infrastructure service, designed to eventually replace Scripts and XVM with a self-configuring Kubernetes cluster deployed on bare metal servers. Hyades is a cluster computing management system (SIPB's internal AWS). Whether a user wants to host their website, run code for a class, or work on a side project, our service will give them a container to fit these tasks. Hyades uses exciting open-source tools like Kubernetes, etcd, Bazel, Envoy, and Ceph.
  • SIPB Mirrors
    • SIPB is a download mirror for various open source software projects. In particular, we mirror the package repositories for popular Linux distributions such as CentOS, Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu, providing a fast local copy for the MIT community. We also serve as the upstream for local mirrors at other universities and research labs.
  • SIPB Project Database
    • SIPB Project Database is focused on supporting the process of creating and developing projects within SIPB. We want to make it easier for people to join in SIPB projects and for project maintainers to more easily train new people and advertise their projects to the community. Currently we're responsible for the development of the SIPB project listing website (which you see here), and are looking at expanding our scope to things like: hosting regular project showcases, creating informational workshops about SIPB services, and launching initiatives for supporting onboarding of new members.
  • SIPB Website
    • Keeping the SIPB website nice-looking and up-to-date

Miscellaneous Services

  • XVM
    • xvm.mit.edu is a virtualization service for the MIT community. We offer virtual machines—your own complete system on which you can start from our three-minute Debian or Ubuntu install or install the operating system of your choice. The service is free to any Athena account holder.
  • MIT SIPB Script Services for Athena
    • scripts.mit.edu is a hosting service for the MIT community that provides several popular web packages such as MediaWiki and WordPress, as well as CGI script, MySQL, cron, and procmail hosting. The service is free to any Athena account holder or group locker. It has over 3000 registered user accounts, and is used by a number of student organizations and academic groups at MIT.

Miscellaneous Perks and Services