
Primary LanguageJavaScript

bit2byte++ presents: Dest

Abhishek:(excitedly pointing at the screen) Guys, check this our project is live & it's crazy.

Arpit: (nodding in agreement) We have matched users using cosine similarity. This will reduce computation cost & also give us the best results!


Hariom: (nodding in agreement) That's right! We're bringing together the worlds of tech and romance like never before.


On the laptop screen, a sleek interface showcases the features of their app: "Skills Sync, Hearts Click."

Tech Stack: MERN


  • Register and Login


  • Update Profile


  • Set Preferences

  • Swipe and Match

  • User Chat

  • Profile Filtering

Advanced Features:

  • OAuth with Google and Facebook
  • Compatibility Algorithm
  • Video Chat
  • Movie Date
  • Payment Gateway


Shout out to all the developers that were a part of this amazing project