
A fan-made port of vSide made in Unreal Engine 5


A fan-made port of vSide made in Unreal Engine 5.


As you may have noticed, this repository does not contain the source code nor assets for this project due to copyright concerns. This repository is intended to be used as a public-facing progress monitoring page.


Is this the official vSide project?

No, nothing here is official. This is a fan-made port of the game made by volunteers. All servers are hosted by players themselves in a peer-to-peer fashion. This project is not affiliated nor endorsed by any official party.

Can I continue where I left off back in [2005-2016]?

No. Because this is a fan-made project written from scratch, nothing has carried over from the game you once knew and loved. We do not possess any of that data, and believe it's been wiped from existence anyway.

I am am experiencing trouble with the game in the form of a glitch, bug, crash, or related failure.

Please search the issues page to see if other users are experiencing the same issue. If no such thread already exists, please create a new one and follow the instructions in the template.

Where can I ask questions or discuss the project?

Please use the discussions page. The issues page is intended for actual issues only!


We are currently not seeking asisstance with this project, but appreciate your willingness to help. We will announce if we change our minds in the future.