
The DeepThought Challenge app is a native Android app built in Java. The app fetches project data from a remote JSON file hosted at and displays it to the user.


To run the app, you need to have the following installed:

  • Android Studio
  • Android SDK
  • Git


  1. Clone this repository using git clone
  2. Open the cloned repository in Android Studio.
  3. Build and run the app.



The app will display the list of projects fetched from the JSON file. The user can click on a project to see its details.

Contributing Contributions to the project are welcome. Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss changes or feature requests.

Authors @Detective-Khalifah

Acknowledgements DeepThought Education

Please note that the project does not currently have a license.

A report documenting the steps I followed to install and set up Android Studio

App running on an Android mobile device.

Screenshot_20230505_235141_com blogspot thengnet khadeepthoughtchallenge

Android Studio
