
A PHP plugin that helps users to read more efficiently by estimating the reading time of an article and adding break points evenly within the article. At each break point, users are encouraged to take a break, or they can choose to watch a short video clip, play a short game, or do some ergonomic exercises.

Primary LanguagePHP


A PHP plugin that helps users to read more efficiently by estimating the reading time of an article and adding break points evenly within the article. At each break point, users are encouraged to take a break, or they can choose to watch a short video clip, play a short game, or do some ergonomic exercises.


  • Estimates the reading time of an article
  • Inserts break points evenly within the article
  • Provides users with the option to take a break at each break point
  • Offers a variety of break activities, including video clips, games, and ergonomic exercises


  • Improves reading comprehension
  • Reduces eye strain
  • Increases reading speed
  • Makes reading more enjoyable

Target Audience:

  • Students
  • Busy professionals
  • Anyone who wants to improve their reading habits with the amazing read pacer.