Tool for solving LSCVM challenges in CDDC 2019

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Tool for solving LSCVM challenges in CDDC 2019


Max stack size is 0x3ff 1023

Max Number of Cycles 0x2710 10000

Fgets reads 0x1000 4096 chars of instructions

VM memory size is 0x3fff

Instruction Set

Opcode (Hex) Opcode (Char) Assmebly Comment
Default NIL nop no operation, waste cycle
0x0a \n nop no operation, waste cycle
0x20 \s nop no operation, waste cycle
0x41 A add Pop 2 values from stack and push the addition
0x42 B hlt Stop executing code
0x43 C jmp Pop and jump to value
0x44 D pop Pop a value and do nothing
0x45 E read Pop addr and push val. 0 <= addr <= 0x3fff
0x46 F sclone pop value n and (clone) push n+1 th previous stack value
0x47 G ipadd Pop value and add it to IP
0x48 H sshift pop value n and shift n+1 th previous stack value to the top of the stack
0x49 I pint Pop value and Print as int
0x4a J cmp 0 if equal, 1 if first pop is smaller else 0xffffffff. 0 <= addr <= 0x3fff
0x4b K write first pop is addr, 2nd pop is value to write
0x4d M mul Pop 2 values from stack and push the multiplication
0x50 P pchar Pops value from stack and print as char
0x52 R rjmp Jump to previous jump location, cant do twice in a row, because it consumes the previous jump location.
0x53 S sub subtract 1st pop from 2nd pop push result
0x56 V div Divide (floor) 2nd pop by 1st pop and push result
0x5a Z ipcadd conditional add to IP, if 2nd pop is 0, add 1st pop to IP
0x61 a p0 Push 0x00 to stack
0x62 b p1 Push 0x01 to stack
0x63 c p2 Push 0x02 to stack
0x64 d p3 Push 0x03 to stack
0x65 e p4 Push 0x04 to stack
0x66 f p5 Push 0x05 to stack
0x67 g p6 Push 0x06 to stack
0x68 h p7 Push 0x07 to stack
0x69 i p8 Push 0x08 to stack
0x6a j p9 Push 0x09 to stack

Sample codes

print welcome msg

print 'password: '

print ', Good Bye!\n'

print '[-] Password mismatch'

print 'Wrong ID'

writes 'lsc_user' to memory address `0x0`