Contact Form - Testing

Advanced React Sprint

Testing Web Applications


  • explain what automated testing is and its importance
  • use react-testing-library for testing react components
  • use react-testing-library to test user interactions with fireEvent


In this challenge, you will be writing tests for a contact form that has been built with React.

As a developer, you will be writing tests for every component. As we've learned, tests are a very important part of programming. The tests you will write will help you feel confident in the code you push to production!

Project Set Up

  • Create a forked copy of this project.
  • Add your team lead as collaborator on Github.
  • Clone your OWN version of the repository in your terminal
  • CD into the project base directory
  • Download project dependencies by running one of these two commands yarn or npm install
  • Using the same command tool (yarn or npm) start up the app using yarn start or npm start
  • Create a new branch: git checkout -b <firstName-lastName>.
  • Implement the project on your newly created <firstName-lastName> branch, committing changes regularly.
  • Push commits: git push origin <firstName-lastName>.

Test Runner

  • In a new terminal window, run yarn test or npm run test
  • With each saved change in your editor, the test runner will re-run all the tests
  • IMPORTANT If a test fails, use the test runner's error messages to find out why it is failing

Instructions and/or completion requirements (MVP)

In order to complete your mission for today, you will need to write tests to help you feel confident in shipping this component. Below is a general outline of how to accomplish this.

  1. Take a good amount of time to use the form. Find out what behaviors you expect, and any you don't expect.
  2. Write down on a peice of paper what you want to test. (This is a very important step - always plan before coding!)
  3. Add your first test. This one should be a very simple test to make sure the testing setup is working.
  4. Write a sufficient amount of tests to give you confidence in the project's code

If you come across any "unexpected" behaviors, try this flow:

  • Write a test that will pass for the "exptected" behavior
  • Confirm that the test fails, because of the "unexpected" behavior
  • Look at the code in the project to find what is causing the behavior
  • Fix the code so that your new test passes
  • Celebrate that your test helped you find and fix a bug!

Stretch goals

  • Using the REQ|RES API, build out a POST request in the form.

  • Add more elements to the form - eg dropdown, checkbox, etc

    • Add tests to include the new form elements