Proof of concept

Number X, Name - Description of the chosen factor


  • Describe the why's of this particular factor
  • How does implementing it influence the development?
  • What it means for developers?


If possible, write a simple bash script to prove the concept using a simple application. Show both the factor approach and the opposite of it. For example: storing config in-code vs in environment

grep ...

Software and OS used in this implementation:

  • OS: Which OS was used in this implementation (If docker, describe it)
  • Backing service, Database: What backing services were used in this implementation?

Comparison of twelve-factor way vs the opposite approach. Pros & cons:

Twelve-factor Opposite
Point 1 Lorem ipsum dolores Lorem ipsum dolores
Point 2 Lorem ipsum dolores Lorem ipsum dolores
Point 3 Lorem ipsum dolores Lorem ipsum dolores
Example result of your script showing twelve-factor example
Example result of your script showing the opposite