
Simple NestJs application utilizing Star Wars API

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Setting up the project :)

Requirements to run it locally 🚀

  1. Node.js 16 LTS or higher
  2. Docker installed on your machine
  3. Stable internet connection

Cloning this repository

In order to clone this repository, please use either of the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/DeutscherDude/star-wars-nest.git

git clone git@github.com:DeutscherDude/star-wars-nest.git

Afterwards, please rename the sample.env file to .env and populate it accordingly with your local configuration

Running docker containers

For convenience, this repository contains a Makefile, that pre-defines some useful commands. After you have cloned the code, you should use the below commands to start the api. Please note, that the first time around it may take a while, as docker needs to download images from docker-hub ❗

  • make build-dev
  • make run-dev

In order to stop the instance, please use:

  • make stop

To attach the console and see live logs from the application, use the following:

  • make attach-console

Installing docker


Please follow the official docker guide, which is distro-dependent: link


Installation packages vary between Intel and Apple chips: link


Installation tutorial: link

Installing Node.js

Visit official Node.js website and download the LTS or latest version for your system. https://nodejs.org/en/


Running tests, both with can be performed via the Makefile 😃

  • make tests - for tests without the coverage report

  • make tests-coverage - for tests with the coverage report