
An open source project for chromatic editing in videos. It allows user to edit there chromatic background with whatever image they want and they can do it freely. Our vision is to grow it and develop it as a service in a from of software. We are open to Contribution.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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An open source project for chromatic editing in videos. It allows user to edit there chromatic background with whatever image they want and they can do it freely. Our vision is to grow it and develop it as a service in a from of software. We are open to Contribution.

Getting Started

To setup this project on your local machine, please follow the following steps:

  • Download the .zip file of the project
  • Extract all the files.
  • To easily get started, run the Chromatica.ipynb using jyupter Notebook
  • Face your web camera towards chroma and you can stand in front of it, you can see the results in, result window.
  • To change the background you can press F for next picture and B for previous picture.


To run this code on your local machine your must have installed the following libraries in your python env :

  • OpenCV
  • Numpy
  • Jyupter Notebook

Or on windows you can run it in anaconda after installing OpenCV as numpy and Jyupter notebook are pre-installed in it.

How to install OpenCV and Numpy in python

  • To install OpenCV, open your python console and run pip install opencv-python command.
  • To install numpy and jyupter, run this command python -m pip install --user numpy jupyter

Results after running the program

Alt text


Please read CONTRIBUTION.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details