
In this repository contain some project of practicing several model and library.

Everything about Linux

Information and Install Linux on Oracle Virtual Box:

Lets talk about the Command

---- check name of environment uname Version of Linux : Ubuntu,Linux Mint, Kali Linux, CentOS.

1. About Directory

  • pwd check the current directory.
  • lscheck folder on directory ls -a show hidden file also ls -l show details & ls -la, human readablels -lah
  • mkdir newFolder make directory on folder, long folder mkdir -p new/bdh/efgh/twi
  • rmdir directory_name delete empty directory
  • rm -r directory_name delete not empty directory, rm -i files delete multiple files
  • touch file.txt, touch file.py create any file
  • ls *.txt present file which extention txt
  • mv file.py location move file to anohrt path also rename in one another
  • cp file3.txt file4.txt, cp -r file3 file4 both file content will be same and also copy to another location -locate filename find any file using
  • clear erase the display.
  • echo I am Linux command writer >>file.txt write something on text file
  • cat file.txt display those contents like , cat text1.txt, text2.txt, text3.txt ->all.txt cat all.txt see all content in same file
  • nano file.txt, vi file.txt to write content on nay file.
  • head file.txt, tail file.txt view 10 first or 10 last row
  • wc file.txt word and character in file
  • man --help Check command and how it work

2. Some Intermediate Command

  • df -m check which file contain how much storage.
  • zip file_folder to zip and unzip to unzipe file folder.
  • chmod +x file.py a file on running mode, sudo chmod +x file.py to give root permission.
  • hostname, hostname -I show hostname and ip Address.
  • ping google.com to check internet connection.
  • sudo halt to power off and reboot the computer by using the command sudo reboot.
  • Ctrl C stop Ctrl Z forcefully stop
  • uptime run from how much times.
  • free -h current storage limit
  • man ps man file check details about manual command

3. Networking

  • ifconfig to find that install sudo apt install net-tools
  • ip -a to check ip and can manipulate by other commands.

4. Packet Manager:

  • sudo stands for "SuperUser Do". So, if you want any command to be done with administrative or root privileges, you can use the sudo command. For example, if you want to edit a file like viz. alsa-base.conf, which needs root permissions sudo nano alsa-base.conf., sudo passwd for change password.
  • sudo apt install file to install, check update sudo apt update do update sudo apt upgrade apt stand for advance packet manager tools.
  • sudo apt search search package and remove sudo apt remove filename

5. User Athenication

  • id user check details about user
  • sudo su to go root user
  • which useradd where we can add user
  • sudo useradd username add any kind of user --- main user can any sub user group

Random Command

  • env, ->echo $PATH, alias