
🤖 Droids You Are Looking For - A Node.js Library to interact with Sphero droids

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Node.js Library to interact with Star Wars Sphero droids 🤖

Pair droids with your device

To pair droids with your device for the first time, you need an external tool to find UUID. I use

node blescanner.js

included in this library.


const dyalf = require('./dyalf');

let r2 = new dyalf.R2D2('4bef2b0786334e2fac126c55f7f2d057');

let main = async () => {
    await r2.connect();
    await r2.openCarriage();
    await r2.closeCarriage();
    await r2.sleep(1000);
    await r2.animate(7);
    for (var i = -160; i < 180; i += 5) {
        await r2.rotateTop(i);
    await r2.sleep(1000);
    await r2.off();



Use @abandonware/noble npm package to avoid the xpc-connection error.

MacOS won't connect to the droid

Restart your Mac is a valid option! Alternatively:

  • Turn off Bluetooth
  • Run the following code in your shell
rm -v ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.Bluetooth.*.plist
sudo rm /Library/Preferences/com.apple.Bluetooth.plist
  • Turn Bluetooth back on

You can automate this procedure using blueutil:

blueutil off
rm -v ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.Bluetooth.*.plist
sudo rm /Library/Preferences/com.apple.Bluetooth.plist
blueutil on


MIT - Copyright (c) Andrea Stagi