
This is placeholder of Remote Interactive Surgery Platform.

Primary LanguageC#


This repository contains code for a remote interactive surgery platform running on Micosoft HoloLens 2. For a detailed explanation of this software and evaluaation of our method, please refer to our paper Remote Interactive Surgery Platform (RISP): Proof of Concept for an Augmented-Reality-Based Platform for Surgical Telementoring.

Note: This prepository is still work in progress.


To use the voice communication functionality, it requires WebRTC signaler server. Please refer to this document's Install and run node-dss section to setup the WebRTC signaler server, and make sure the server can take inbound connections from the Internet.

This software requires a Microsoft HoloLens 2 and a PC and those two devices can be reached to each other through a network.


  • Unity 2019.4.28f1 with Universal Windows Platform Build Support and Windows Build Support (IL2CPP).
  • Visual Studio 2019 with .NET desktop development, Desktop development with C++, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) development, and Game development with Unity.
  • Anaconda with python 3.7

How to Install

Installing RISP-HL2

  • Open RISP-HL2 with Unity.
  • Open RISP-HL scene and insert the WebRTC signaler server address to Managers > WebRTCManager > NodeDssSignaler > Http Server Address in the hierachy.
  • Build the scene with targeting Universal Windows Platform.
  • Open package.appxmanifest in the build folder and add the restricted capability to the manifest file.
  IgnorableNamespaces="uap uap2 uap3 uap4 mp mobile iot rescap" 
    <rescap:Capability Name="perceptionSensorsExperimental" />
  • Open RISP-HL2.sln in the build folder.
  • Deploy with Release / ARM (Not ARM64)

Installing RISP-Com main_application

  • Create a virtual environment of python 3.7 using Anaconda.
  • Open RISP-Com\main_application and intall depenendices through pip install -r requirements.txt.

Installing RISP-Com voice_communic

  • Open RISP-Com\voice_communicator with Unity.
  • Open Voice_client scene and insert the WebRTC signaler server address to NodeDssSignaler > Http Server Address.
  • Build the scene with targeting PC, Mav & Linux Standalone.

How to run

  1. Get your HoloLens's IP address.
  2. Launch RISP-HL2 in your HoloLens.
  3. Launch main_application by python MainClient.py in RISP-Com\main_application.
  4. Enter HoloLens's IP address.
  5. Launch built Voice_Client and click CreateOffer button.

Work in progress

  • First version of remote interactive surgery platform code released.
  • Add measurement tools (e.g., rulers in RISP-HL2).
  • Detailed intrcution of How to use.
  • etc.....


Please cite our paper.

    AUTHOR = {Kalbas, Yannik and Jung, Hoijoon and Ricklin, John and Jin, Ge and Li, Mingjian and Rauer, Thomas and Dehghani, Shervin and Navab, Nassir and Kim, Jinman and Pape, Hans-Christoph and Heining, Sandro-Michael},
    TITLE = {Remote Interactive Surgery Platform (RISP): Proof of Concept for an Augmented-Reality-Based Platform for Surgical Telementoring},
    JOURNAL = {Journal of Imaging},
    VOLUME = {9},
    YEAR = {2023},
    NUMBER = {3},
    ARTICLE-NUMBER = {56},
    URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/2313-433X/9/3/56},
    ISSN = {2313-433X},
    DOI = {10.3390/jimaging9030056}


This code has been built with referencing, modifying, and using the following libraries / repositoies:

We thank authors of those codes and opensource community for making possible to build this code.