README - Project 8 for Udacity Front End Nanodegree
Creator: Michele "Dev_Mikko" De Palma
What is that?
It's a single page webapp map of all Apulian universities, a region of Southern Italy, creating using ReactJS.
How to use:
- Download NodeJS and install it
- Open your terminal (if you are on Windows, open Commands prompt or Windows Powershell)
- Execute the following command to verify that NodeJS is correctly installed:
node -v
- Download the project
- Move to the project directory with your terminal:
cd <path>
Windows: (if you are working on the same partition of your system install)
cd <path>
Windows: (if you are working on other partition)
cd /d <path>
- Edit the file Map.js (./src/components/Map.js) and insert your Google Maps API key in the API area to remove "For development use only" watermark:
export default GoogleApiWrapper({
apiKey: '',
- Execute the following commands on your terminal:
npm install
npm start
- The browser will open automatically
- Enjoy the app
Project notes:
Rember to insert your personal API key to enjoy the full potential of this web app. All the datas are stored inside the Places.json file (.src/data/Places.json). You can use this app offline thanks to service worker (./src/registerServiceWorker.js) but only after you use the following command inside your terminal:
npm run build
- Michele "Dev_Mikko" De Palma
- Udacity for the Nanodegree's lessons
- NodeJS
- Google & Foursquare for the APIs
- Facebook for ReactJS
- All creators of implemented components (prop-types, sort-by, escape-string-regexp, Material-UI React, google-maps-react)