Contest management system

This project is destinated to develope a platform to organize contests and manage users whom can participate in these contests.

How to start the service locally

  1. Clone the repository in the path of your preference

  2. Open bash on your project's path

    • run next commands on bash cd contests-management-system/backend npm install npm run dev
  3. Open another bash on your projects's path

    • run next commands on bash cd contests-management-system/frontend npm install npm run dev
  4. Go to browser en open the path: or http://localhost:3000


  • Last nodejs LTS version
  • Internet browser
  • node package installer (NPM)
  • PostgreSQL last version


  • Frontend

    • Nextjs
      • Nodejs
      • Expressjs
      • Reactjs
      • Bootstrap 4
  • Backend

    • Nodejs
      • expressjs
      • cors
      • bcrypt
      • pg
  • Database

    • PostgreSQL

Development tools

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Postman
  • browsers (google chrome, mozilla firefox, opera)
  • pg Admin