Nu Finance Application

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Welcome to Nu Finance Application!

This application is designed to help you manage your finances effectively and effortlessly. Below are some screenshot about application and of the key features that you can take advantage of:

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1. Secure Google Account Login

Our application provides a secure and convenient way for you to log in using your Google account. This ensures the safety of your financial data and allows for a seamless authentication process.

2. Record Financial Transactions

Easily record your financial transactions with just a few clicks. When adding a new transaction, you can include the following details:

  • Title: Give your transaction a descriptive title.
  • Amount: Specify the amount involved in the transaction.
  • Category: Categorize the transaction to help you track expenses efficiently.
  • Type: Indicate whether it is a deposit or withdrawal.

3. Comprehensive Financial Overview

Get a clear and comprehensive overview of your finances. The application displays all your financial transactions in an organized manner, providing valuable insights into your spending and earnings patterns.

4. Easy Data Management

Feel free to manage your financial data as you wish. You have the option to delete any specific item from your transactions list, giving you full control over your financial records.

5. User-friendly Interface

We have designed the application with a user-friendly interface, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all users.

6. Data Security and Privacy

Rest assured, we prioritize the security and privacy of your financial information. Our application adheres to industry-standard practices to keep your data safe.

7. Intuitive Navigation

Our application's intuitive navigation makes it easy for you to find what you need and access various features effortlessly.

📁 Page(s)

The site has a total of 2 page(s), which are:

  • /: Home page to do login user.
  • /finance: Page with finance list

👨‍🎨 Figma

🗔 Check out the design:

🚀 Technologies

📕 How to use it?

Before starting, you need to have Git and Node installed.

# Clone this project
$ git clone

# access
$ cd trips-app

# install dependencies
$ yarn or npm

# Run the project
$ yarn dev or npm run dev

# The server will initialize in the <http://localhost:3000>

🤝 Collaborators

Thanks to the following people who contributed to this project:

Photo by Pedro Silva on GitHub
Pedro Silva

📝 License

This project is under license. See the LICENSE file for more details.


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