
Yelp Application

Primary LanguageHTML

Yelp Application Deployment


This repository contains the source code for the Yelp application, a ReactJS-based web application that leverages GraphQL. The task is to deploy the application to the cloud using AWS Amplify, with a focus on authentication. The provided instructions include information about Yelp and specify the use of AWS technologies such as Amplify and Lambda.

Deployment Links:

Project Structure

  • src: Contains the source code for the ReactJS application.
  • public: Houses public assets and HTML file.
  • .gitignore: Removes the node_modules/ directory from version control.
  • my_yelp_url.txt: A file to store the hosted URL after deployment.


Follow the steps below to deploy the Yelp application to the cloud using AWS Amplify:


  • AWS account
  • Amplify CLI installed
  • Node.js and npm installed

Deployment Steps

  1. Clone Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Dev0psKing/your-yelp-repo.git
    cd your-yelp-repo
  2. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Edit Configuration:

    • Navigate to the src directory and modify the necessary files (e.g., GraphQL queries, components) to meet deployment requirements.
  4. Amplify Init:

    amplify init

    Follow the prompts to initialize the Amplify project.

  5. Amplify Add Authentication:

    amplify add auth

    Configure authentication settings as needed.

  6. Amplify Push:

    amplify push

    Deploy the changes to the cloud.

  7. Access Deployed Application: After successful deployment, the hosted URL will be available in my_yelp_url.txt. Click here to view the application.

  8. View Application: Open the deployed application in your web browser and explore its features.

  9. Cleanup (Optional): If you wish to remove the deployed resources, you can use:

    amplify delete

Additional Information

  • The provided code is fully editable to meet deployment requirements.
  • Ensure that the necessary AWS credentials are set up on your local machine for successful deployment.
  • For any issues or questions, refer to the official AWS Amplify documentation: AWS Amplify Documentation