We no longer maintain this repo. For the latest API, check out Jupiter Swap API.

[Deprecated] Jupiter Quote API

This is the same code that we use to host our Jupiter API on fly.io.


How to Run Locally

  1. pnpm install
  2. RPC_URL=xxxxxxx pnpm start

Deploy to fly.io With Dockerfile

  1. Install flyctl: https://fly.io/docs/hands-on/install-flyctl/
  2. Sign up on fly.io: https://fly.io/docs/hands-on/sign-up/
  3. On the project directory: fly launch
  • You don't need the Postgresql database
  • You don't need the Redis cache
  1. Update the RPC_URL to your own RPC in fly.toml
  2. Then, fly deploy
  3. You will need a more powerful machine to run the API: fly scale vm performance-2x


  • you can edit the number of instances to run in production according to number of cores in scripts/pm2.config.js.