
My personal repository.

👋 Hello, I'm Abas

I am a Senior Frontend Developer with a passion for creating intuitive and dynamic user interfaces. With extensive experience in modern frontend technologies and a knack for problem-solving, I thrive in transforming complex requirements into elegant, user-friendly designs.

🚀 Skills

Languages & Frameworks:

JavaScript TypeScript HTML5 CSS3 React Next.js

Tools & Platforms:

Git Webpack Docker Jenkins AWS

Design & Prototyping:

Figma Sketch Adobe XD Material UI Tailwind CSS


Jest Cypress React Testing Library Unit Testing

💼 Professional Experience

Senior Frontend Developer at TESCO

2023 - Present

  • Met usability and performance standards by designing and enhancing layouts.
  • Documented the integration process, including guidelines and best practices for utilizing the new internal UI library within the existing project, facilitating knowledge transfer and onboarding for team members.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams including designers and developers to ensure seamless integration of the new UI library into the existing project, aligning with project requirements and user expectations.

🌐 Connect with Me

📫 Get in Touch

I am always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas, or opportunities to be part of your vision. Feel free to reach out to me via email or through my social channels above.
