
seonced login in data dosen't do the "Nope" effect

If admin, and clicked on home... it resets admin state to false! but data is still accesiple


-[ ] Number of likes increases in the database when clicked

-[ ] Notfication when a new event is out, and email message

-[ ] If password or regnum is wrong, send an error messege for the form

-[ ] Add admin jwt cookie with regnum encrypted


-[ ] Cookies ID session


-[X] Loading with none stop when there is error entering values in form

-[X] Like button makes the accordion opens

-[X] Header link on hover, hovers on all of the header

-[X] custom made user auth using cookies

-[X] Safe from editing cookies to admin user (no data page will be aple to be accessed)


  • You can't enter data route, there is only one way which is to login with tolba's account

    • changing cookies? Nope, must wait for confirmation from the server side that was clipped with the entered password!
    • just entering /data? Nope, must be tolba him self (also there is a tricky easter egg :3)
    • fetching it simply? yeah... that works... there is no CORS resteritction until
  • Auth works using cookies

    • Storing the regnum in cookies with 3 hours expiretion
  • Backend is all hardcoded using Flask, and using some CloudFlare workers to scrape discord images for users

  • Images src linkes are stored in localStorage

    • every logged in account gets it's pfp src link stored in local storage to maintain server load
  • RegNum and Password check process are sepreted

    • The server first checks for the existance of the user, then it checks if the password is correct or not, which makes SQL payload injection almost impossible

Easter Eggs

  • Type "backteam" in the main page /

  • click 9 times on any heart at /events, and then click 11 times and then 11 times

  • click 9 times on "slide in" at login form in /dashboard, wait 5s and do it again