This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

React Simon Says

React Simon Says

So basically I needed a reason to play with the awesome Styled Components from @mxstbr and then I decided to build a "Simon Says" like game


The app was built with redux so it was quite simple to manage the data flow using async functions together with redux-thunk

tl;dr thunks and async functions play nice together ❤️

const foo = payload => async dispatch => {
  await sleep(500);

Quick Start

$ cd react-simon-says
$ yarn
$ yarn start


I am using Jest as my spec runner, you can run it using:

$ yarn test

and to get a coverage overview:

$ yarn test -- --coverage


Changes and improvements are more than welcome! Feel free to fork and open a pull request. Please make your changes in a specific branch and request to pull into master! If you can, please make sure the game fully works before sending the PR, as that will help speed up the process.