
Repo for blogs.devbetter.com gatsby site

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

devBetter Blog

Source code for a multi author devBetter blog built with Gatsby.



The Gatsby CLI is required to run this project. (install instructions)

Build and Run

Install dependencies with npm

npm install

Start Gatsby development server

gatsby develop

This will start the app on http://localhost:8000/

Add a new Blog Post

Add a folder using hyphen-case-of-title as its name to blog/. In the folder, add index.md with the required headers of:

  • title
  • author
  • date
  • description
  • featuredImage (case sensitive!)
  • category (currently one of these values: "announcements", "career-advancement", "software-development")


Add any images you reference in the folder. You can reference them in your markdown using a path of ./image.jpg. For the featuredImage, use pablo.buffer.com with default settings. Add the ./src/images/devbetter-icon.png to the bottom right of the image using the "Insert Logo or Graphic" option.

Example image:

Announging the devBetter Blog

Add a new Author

To add a new author you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Update data/author.yaml with the author's name, bio, etc.

Markdown Styling

This link has a bunch of examples for how to format text documents using markdown.