
This is PHP Developer Roadmap. Following this path will guarantee to become a good PHP Developer.



🚀 This repository shares ALL of the resources for learning How to Be a Backend PHP Developer

âš™ Free Web Dev Tools

How Internet & Websites works

Browser/Server request flow, HTTP Protocol, Status codes

Basics of HTML/CSS

Resource Name Resource
HTML Tutorial for Beginners [English] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUMe1FH4CHE&t=1534s
CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners [English] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXGznpKZ_sA&t=681s
HTML & CSS First-Part [Arabic] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFbQRDJ11kEaYTCQOy6KlmosZsujMquy
HTML & CSS Second-Part [Arabic] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFbQRDJ11kFQdohqPO8yIE1Wx9s4g2ts

Basics of JavaScript

Introduction to Databases

Resource Name Resource
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners [English] https://youtu.be/7S_tz1z_5bA
PHP MySql Tutorial [Arabic] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrwRNJX9gLs0WoqIcfdmI0wYOmxpE7JEZ
PHP MySql Tutorial [Arbic] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe_UJpVeP8qCHeTPVPc2gQXuQr7AniUbn

Version Control System (Git & Github)

Resource Name Resource
Git and GitHub شخبط وانت متطمن

Getting Familiar with PHP: Syntax, functions, dates, JSON, File System, CURL.

Resource Name Resource
PHP Tutorial for Absolute Beginners [English] https://rb.gy/oqpucy
Full PHP Tutorial For Beginners & Advanced [English] https://rb.gy/c8ww7d
PHP 5.6 and MySQL 5.7 with eng.Mohamed yahia [Arabic] https://rb.gy/qeaj7n
PHP 8 Bootcamp 2024 By Php Anonymous [Arabic] https://rb.gy/0qa0va

Understanding Composer

PHP beginner projects


Resource Name Resource
Laravel Livewire v3 [English] https://bit.ly/4bSGrlB

Build custom MVC Framework

Object Oriented PHP

What is API

Design Patterns
