About the software

This is a program that reads CSV files and interprets them in SQL, that is, from the CSV file it creates a database that can be manipulated with SQLite commands.

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  1. Install Python 3.x
  2. Install the Python csv module
  3. Have SQLite3 installed

to rotate

To run the program in Python and see the entire database, just run it in the terminal

   python3 script.py

To execute in SQLite and be able to handle it and have more visualization options, execute it in the terminal

   sqlite3 social.db
   sqlite> .import filename.csv tablename

In our case we will put

sqlite> .import social.csv social

To see the contents of the table, run

sqlite> .shema

Repeat this process for each of the three CSV files. You will then be able to view the created tables with the following command:

sqlite> SELECT * FROM table_name;