Welcome to WebDev 101

By Abhijat Bhardwaj and Chaitanya Keshri

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This doc aims to give a holistic overview on two of the most important languages for any web development project i.e HTML and CSS.

HTML is the language using which we define the structure of any webpage you see on the internet and to make it look amazing we take help of the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

At the end of this session, you will learn

  • HTML
    • Role of HTML
    • Document structure
    • HTML elements
    • Tags
    • Attributes
    • Data representation
    • Tables
    • Links
  • CSS
    • Role of CSS
    • Syntax
    • Selectors
    • Common CSS Properties
    • Centering a Div
    • Responsive design
  • Creating your own webpages

CSS >>